Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

               Recruitment is the second stage of procurement function. Procurement means taking people inside the company. The first step is to analyze the job in this HR Manager have to collect the background information, then selection of representative job and then drafting this information in proper manner.

Meaning of recruitment:

               Recruitment is the process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirements of staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate number to facilitate effective selection of an efficient workforce.

Factors affecting recruitment:

There are two main factors i.e. internal and external factors the sub points that are included in it are stated as below-

*Internal factors:

Company’s pay package

Quality of work life

Organizational culture

Career planning and growth

Company’s size

Company’s product/ services

Geographical spread of company’s operation

company’s growth rate

Role of trade union

Cost of recruitment

Company’s name and fame

*External Factors:

Societal factors

Supply and demand of labor

Employment rate

Labor market condition

Political legal and governmental factors

E.g.-reservation etc.

Sources of recruitment:

As above said recruitment is not the actual selection. It is the way of giving information to society that company have jobs with them so various kinds of sources have been used by the company. They are listed as below-

*Internal sources:

Present permanent employees

Present temporary employees

Retrenchment or retired employees

*External sources:

Campus interviews

Private employee agency

Public employee agency

Professional association

Data banks

Casual applicants

Similar organizations

Trade union

*Modern sources:


Consult in

Head hunting

Body shopping

Business alliance

Tele recruitment


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